Groupe de travail : "Tensor Triangular Geometry and Noncommutative Geometry"

Organizer: Frank Taipe
Year: 2023
Place: Instituto de Matemática y Ciencias Afines (Lima, Peru)


Oct 05 | Frank Taipe
Topics: Introduction and plan of work
Time: 17h - 19h
Oct 12 | Joe Palacios
Topics: Tensorial and triangulated categories. Examples of derived categories and derived functors.
Time: 17h - 19h
Oct 19 | Joe Palacios
Topics: Spectrum of tensor triangulated categories: Aplications in algebraic geometry.
Time: 17h - 19h
Oct 26 | Joe Palacios
Topics: Spectrum of tensor triangulated categories: Aplications in representation theory.
Time: 17h - 19h
Dec 21 | Frank Taipe
Topics: Equivariant Kasparov's K-Theory: Hilbert C*-modules and examples.
Time: 16h - 19h
Dec 29 | Frank Taipe
Topics: The Baum-Connes conjecture in the language of tensor triangulated categories.
Time: TBA